Problems In The NHS Essay

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The problems in the NHS
The setting up of hospital and emergency service was born because of the war. The emergency hospitals and services were designed to treat wounded and sick soldiers, bombing casualties, and evacuees. This singular action proved that the state can establish and run a health service. Beveridge’s report of 1942 served as a last signal which confirmed that a national health service would be established.
In 1944 the coalition government (although dominated by conservatives) made its opening statement which stated that everybody irrespective of your age, occupation, sex or means is entitled to equal opportunity and should benefit from the best and up to date medical and allied services available. The service would be free of …show more content…

(John C. & Ian K., 1998). For Example, the NHS is facing difficulty in recruiting and retaining nurses and mid wives. This problem is mostly seen in inner cities and teaching trusts, although, the government has been trying to tackle this problem unfortunately, the root cause of staffing shortages remains complex.
The government has the intention to modernise the NHS but the success depends particularly on the NHS staff. The mission could be successful if the number of staff can be boosted, if the staff are ready to the way and method in which they work and if it is possible to motivate or inspire them to “go an extra mile” in discharging their duties in the NHS.
Nevertheless, the service still struggles to attract and retain staff in most important areas such as nursing and midwifery. (Finlayson et al, 2002)
Finlayson et al (2002) carried out an assessment into the level of crisis in the recruitment and retention of nurses in England and these are some of the crisis they discovered; one of the root causes of the inability of the NHS to recruit and retain their staff is, the pay rate. The pay is probably low and inadequate for the services they

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