Primary Care Executive Summary

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Bodenheimer and Grumbach (2012) mentioned that forty seven percent of the health care financing is government financing in the year of 2009 (Martin, Lassman, Whittle, & Catlin, 2011). Lack of insurance, underinsurance, lack of access, and socioeconomic status are barriers to helath status outcomes (Bodenheimer and Grumbach, 2012). The challenges in reimbursing the providers are a multitude. One of the challenges that Bodenheimer and Grumbach (2012) points out is the optimal payment method is finding the balance between overtreatments and undertreatments (Casalino, 1992). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (2010) or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) helps the healthcare system to function as a clinically integrated system, measuring and reporting the quality of care provided and focuses on quality improvement in hospital admissions and readmissions (Rosenbaum, 2011). …show more content…

healthcare system needs to be looked at as it can impact the future healthcare delivery. As Dr. Goodson (2010) explicates, there are “promises and perils for primary care”. Dr. Goodson looks at the promises of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (2010) – reestablishing primary care in the U. S. healthcare delivery, funding for education and training of primary care physicians, ten percent increase in payment for five years with funding the payments for Medicaid. Dr. Goodson also gives an account of the perils of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (2010) – decreasing number of primary care physician education and training which hinders the idea of full access to healthcare and the idea of fee capitation might restrict providing care for complicated and expensive healthcare

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