Pride, Respect, and Opportunities in Professionalism for Everyone by James R. Ball

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Professionalism can be defined in various ways. In the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, professionalism is defined as “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” Professionalism should be essential to everyone. The way that you are and display yourself is beyond doubt important and can say a lot about you. For example, if you have a really dreadful attitude no employer will want to hire you. People can often tell or have a feeling when someone has a bad attitude just be looking or interacting with that person. Especially if you work in the medical field you have to be friendly to the patients and coworkers and display good professionalism. People who are professional are very well liked and are also very well respected. In the book Professionalism is for Everyone I read something that I actually liked which said “I like who I see; I like what I am; I am proud of what I stand for.”(Professionalism Is for Everyone 3) This is how you should feel when you have a good professional image. Many people like to aim for being a professional. In the book Professionalism Is for Everyone (6) “the seven reasons to be a professional are: pride, self confidence, respect of others, invisible support system, getting noticed, sought after, and career advancement.” According to the book “the three most important reasons to being a professional are: pride, respect, and opportunities.” (Professionalism Is for Everyone 6) These are very good reasons to want to be a professional because personally I believe it is nice to have people look up to you and want your help. It is nice to know that coworkers want to work with you and get involved with you due to your good qualities. The good q...

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...etency. Finally, the fifth key is conduct which is “how you deal with others.” (Professionalism Is for Everyone 8) The book that I read described “professionals as mature, polite, loyal, respectful, and demonstrate confidentiality at all times.” (Professionalism Is for Everyone 8) One example of this would be if you are with the patient and your cell phone rings you wouldn’t answer your phone in front of the patient. Another example of this would be if you have a rude patient and the patient is yelling and screaming at you the correct thing to do would be to stay calm and not get an attitude back with the patient. It is important to have good quality and act professional at all times. Being honest, arriving on time, showing up to work every day are some examples that influence your professional image. Overall professionalism is extremely important in every job field.

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