Pride In The Scarlet Pimpernel

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In the book The Scarlet Pimpernel there are many references to pride. Pride can destroy relationships,marriages,and other people’s trust in you. This is what happened in the lives of Sir Percy Blakeney,Marguerite Blakeney,Misour Chauvelin, and the French Aristocrats in general. Something else that Percy,Marguerite, and Chauvelin did was where “masks.” They pretended to be people whom they weren’t and pretended to have different opinions of each other than they would normally have. “Instinctively, with sudden overmastering passion, at at the sight of her helplessness and her grief, he stretched out his arms, and next, would have seized her and held her to him, protected her from every evil with his very life, his very heart’s blood… But pride

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