Pretty Little Liars Research Paper

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The Best Television Show If someone knew all of your deepest darkest secrets and were threatening to reveal them how would you handle that situation? The Pretty Little Liars is a show based on mystery, but could also be considered a thriller as well. I would have to say that this show is absolutely the best television series that has ever been made because of how it can keep a person wondering and impatiently waiting on what happens next. This television show takes keeping secrets to a whole other level, and shows that some secrets should be taken to the grave. It’s not just another thriller though; it also gives people a real wakeup call when it comes to real life situations. Besides the story line of this show there’s also the cast and the soundtrack that shape this show into what it is today. There are people that may not argue that Pretty Little Liars is not the best television show, but I am here to confirm that there will never be any show that is better than this one. The cast of a television show is what brings the show to life, but if the cast doesn’t put …show more content…

The soundtrack for Pretty Little Liars seems to fit the show perfectly. The theme song for instance is called “Secret”, and the whole song is about keeping a secret and taking it the grave, which the perfect theme song for a show based off of secrets that people will die to keep. They play all the right kinds of songs during the right scenes of the show. At the end of every episode there is usually always a creepy moment where “A” hints at what they are planning next, which usually is something horrible, and as the scene is playing que the creepy song that plays along in the background. That is what makes the soundtrack for this show the absolute greatest. The songs are not distracting while watching the show because it collaborates with the scene at that

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