President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal During The Great Depression

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During the years of the Great Depression, the 1930s that is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the New Deal plan to combat the economic woes befalling the nation. The New Deal allowed for greatly increased government control over the economics of America and used many programs in order to both provide welfare to those in need and cut unemployment. Some of the agencies that were created as part of the New Deal are still active today. FDR’s efforts to combat the Great Depression via New Deal policies and organizations are still impactful today mainly in the forms of the FCC and the SSB. During the Great Depression, the FCC was responsible for regulating prices applied to services such as radio and electricity, the FCC is still in effect today in that is regulates all forms of electronic communication in the United States. Before FDR’s New Deal, government control over business and communication was minimal. After the New Deal was put into place, agencies such as the FCC were in power in a way …show more content…

After the creation of the SSA, a program was in place whereby those who have reached the age of 65 could receive a pension to live with during their old age. The important fact here is that the SSA is a public, federal, organization. When created, it helped to shift the focus away from private organizations performing the same function and increase the focus on a public organization doing so. In many Americans’ minds, this began to associate the government with protection and it made it so that the government was expected to provide welfare to those in need. Before, the idea of the government providing welfare was much less prevalent. This effect has continued, and increased until today—when unemployment benefits are

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