Argumentative Essay On The New Deal

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Essay #2 In response to the Great Depression, the New Deal was a series of efforts put forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his first term as United States’ President. The Great Depression was a cataclysmic economic event starting in the late 1920s that had an international effect. Starting in 1929 the economy started to contract, but it wasn’t until Wall Street started to crash that the pace quickened and its effects were being felt worldwide. What followed was nearly a decade of high unemployment, extreme poverty, and an uncertainty that the economy would ever recover. With what seemed as a failed economy, its people were forced into a new way of living where hunger, illness, poverty, and unemployment were the everyday norm, but it was …show more content…

A common trend was always that wages were not keeping up with the cost of living. Many could not make ends meet and were struggling to simply survive. They started to question the effectiveness of the National Recovery Administration (N.R.A.). It was unfair to them that businesses were still making enormous profits while its employees were forced into poverty. Pushing for a unionization was disowned by factories where they threatened to close their doors if a worker’s union formed. Some thought businesses were crooked and angled themselves to take advantage of the economy to increase their …show more content…

It started off with momentum and true intentions to jumpstart the economy. Various relief programs were enacted with intent to help those who could not help themselves, to ease the burden of such a low quality of life created by the Great Depression. Eventually though, the New Deal ran out of steam, people were still waiting for relief after several years. They started to question the effectiveness of the New Deal, itself. Roosevelt started to find himself and his board of experts running out of ideas to improve the economy. It was only after the New Deal when the economy finally started to right

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