Preparing A Big Mac And A Can Of Bean

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In Nutrition Across A Lifetime Julie Murphy states “ You are what you eat. What would you like to be?” This nation’s population doesn’t often apprend how much what they consume affects their lifestyle, or how much their lifestyle affects what they eat. Most people would think that there is a gargantuan difference between eating a Big Mac and a can of bean, but the fact remains that they are both convenience foods. Convenience foods are gravitating towards an uprising trend, especially in the United States of America. For those that think fast food or prepared convenience foods are passable because they don’t have time to prepare home prepared foods need to reassess their lifestyle. There are a considerable amount of reasons to acquire convenience …show more content…

Making home prepared foods help people to acknowledge what and how much of each substance is going into their bodies. The preparation of food helps people to alter their diet to become more healthful (“The Importance of Family Dinners,” 2012). Although it might be hard the physiological and social health of the entire family will benefit if everyone participates in some form of the process whether that be setting the table or helping cook (“The Importance of Family Dinners,” 2012). Increasing the time at the dinner table will also help place a positive impact on uncounted aspects of a child’s life by allowing them to form values, morals, increase self-esteem from the conversations formed (“The Importance of Family Dinners,” 2012). Time at the dinner table also allows for the entire family to develop better communication skills from listening and sharing news all without the distractions of a busy environment (“The Importance of Family Dinners,” 2012). The fun and creative ways the entire family can be involved with dinner are innumerable. While some families tend to argue when they get together dinner time at the table is a great time for parents to teach their children about respect and how to respond to different situations and feelings (“The Importance of Family Dinners,” 2012). Although planned meals require more thought and planning than the typical family on a tight schedule is willing to give the physiological benefits outweigh and

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