Power Of Persistence's Negative Consequences

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The power of persistence yields positive outcomes. Have you ever witnessed a child persistently nagging his mother to buy him something from the store? She may have said no 20 times but the little child just kept persisting in his endeavour to get the desired object. He may have even begun whining or crying. Chances are the persistence paid off, because children just seem to know that persistence will pay off most of the time and mum and dad will give in if enough whining or crying occurs.

There is a power in persistence that can be used in negative ways (like the child) or positive ways. If you ask 100 highly successful business men and women how they got to where they are today, I bet all of them would list persistence as one of the characteristics …show more content…

Persistence is a powerful force that can be harnessed toward your success. As you probably know, success just doesn't fall into your lap; you have to take action toward success and like climbing a ladder, it takes forward action one step at a time.

Abraham Lincoln is a prime example of persistence in action. Known as one of the greatest presidents in history, Abraham lost 8 elections before he finally became president. He also lost his business twice and could have chalked himself up to being a loser, but he didn't. He was persistent and believed he could achieve his dreams.

Another great example is the wonderful children's writer, Dr. Seuss. His book, "And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street" was rejected by 27 publishers before finally getting a yes. Many people would have given up after a handful of rejections, but he persisted. Dr. Seuss went on to become one of the greatest children's book writers around, selling more than 200 million copies of his books.

Persistence and …show more content…

Do you have a goal of becoming a published author? Then you'll have to be persistent in your writing and be able to persist even after you get 10 or 100 rejection letters for your article or book proposal. I've read about plenty of professional athletes, artists, business owners, etc. that were faced with plenty of setbacks but were determined to be persistence and little by little they edged their way to

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