Power Of Expectations Essay

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THE POWER OF EXPECTATIONS Philippians 1:20-28 Intro: - How many of us are settling for less than God intended? - How many of us have gotten our hopes up only to have them dashed? - How many of us have heard the call of God upon our lives, upon our families, upon our careers, gotten inspired, began to rise to the call, and then let it fizzle out? - There are a number of reasons for why we don’t always live up to our calling, but I believe the biggest one is that we have not tapped into the power of expectations. - If the truth were known, we would find that most of us are not advancing spiritually, experiencing God more fully, or developing personally because we do not expect for those things to happen any more. - Somewhere along the line we gave up hope for a better tomorrow, and in the process forgot what it was like to live in anticipation of a bright future. - We find the Apostle Paul still holed up in his prison cell writing to the church at Philippi. - And rather than finding a man who has given up hope for the future, we find a man that is still filled with the power of expectation. - Let’s make his story our story this morning, and begin to experience what it means to live our lives fully expecting God to do great things. - We’ll do that today by answer three basic questions. 1. What Happens When I Live In Expectation? 2. How Do I Begin To Live In Expectation? 3. What Does Living In Expectation Look Like? 1. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LIVE IN EXPECTATION? - As I said, some people have simply stopped expecting. - They have accumulated enough of life's disappointments to become afraid to dream, to reach, to stretch, to broaden their horizons. - But God wants to free us into tomorrow – to show us that there is always somethi... ... middle of paper ... ...ies with Heaven. • speak the clean and pure language of Heaven. • bear the title of Heaven, Christian, and do so proudly. • bear witness to the customs of Heaven. • carry on the affairs of Heaven. • dress as a citizen of Heaven. • allow no infiltration of worldly influence whatsoever. • live and conduct ourselves as a Heavenly colony within a polluted and dying environment..  WE SEE THE CHURCH UNITED  WE SEE THE ENEMY DEFEATED - The united front that we present is one in which Satan, the great imposter, cannot penetrate, try as he might.  WE SEE VICTORY IN THE STRUGGLE - Some people are quite discomfited that God does not promise those who live in expectation a life without suffering and struggle. - But comfort can be found when we see the picture God has presented, not of a life without struggle, but a life where victory can be found in the struggle itself.

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