Power And Healthy Relationships

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By listening, reacting, and responding to someone, you automatically give them some sort of authority over your life. Power is an incredibly important topic in our current society. Power is what continues to keep the citizens in every nation, under control. Sometimes, the person who is control of that power loses control and the whole society collapses. There are pros and cons for receiving and giving power. Some pros of giving and receiving power are that you can build relationships, have a certain level of respect, and grow together. Some cons of giving and receiving power are that it can destroy relationships if one person is too “powerful” than the other, have a little respect for one another, and will stop growth. Everything positive always has a negative. In terms of relationships, there always needs to be a power balance. When you are in a healthy relationship, each partner has a good amount of authority in each other’s life. Each partner is influenced by each other, but are also able to make their own decisions. Healthy relationships are what helps people grow individually. A trust and strong relationship is built if there is a power balance. When listening to a person, depending on your interpretation, the words …show more content…

It is important that there is a power balance between two people to keep a healthy relationship. Lies from society will continue to try to hurt you, but you need to know that social media shouldn’t affect you personally. There are pros and cons to giving consent for power. The Bible tells us that the mouth should be used for uplifting and not tearing down. We must build each other up and have a good relationship with others. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29

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