Trust In Relationships Essay

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In a world run by technology, it is a constant battle to maintain face to face relationships. While some studies do show that certain things such as a couple’s relationship status and interaction online correlate with their satisfaction within the relationship, the majority of online interactions actually lead to distrust and lack of real, vulnerable relationships. It is no surprise that as our fascination with technology grows, our fascination with other people dims. We are becoming increasingly individualistic and closing our once open hearts because of the lack of human interaction so many people are facing. Through examination of multiple studies and peer reviewed journal articles the remainder of this essay will investigate this issue. …show more content…

There are many ways one can know if trust is deserved in a relationship. Despite lack of evidence or reason, sometimes it is an undeniable fact. In Modelling the Role of Trust in Social Relationships, the author explains this. Trust can be dictated by honest or fake communication, which is perceived by the second person through verbal and non-verbal communication. (Sutcliffe, Wang, Dunbar 2015). The importance of this research is to establish how trust can be perceived in different ways, and it affects the relationship. On the other hand, as people are together and interact socially, the level of trust will begin to grow, and continue as emotion becomes more rewarding than collaboration. (Sutcliffe, Wang, Dunbar 2015). In conclusion, the reader can see the importance of face to face interaction. While social media can help build connections, they also hinder the growth of the new relationship. When a relationship ceases to grow, it can cause dissatisfaction within the party. The last evidence that will be examined has to do with the satisfaction within already established relationships and how social media affects it. In When your smartphone is too smart for your own good: How social media alters human relationships by Lisa Wagner, she relates her study to the movie, Her, where a man has a relationship with a computer program. As humans, it is in our nature to crave interaction and companionship. (Wagner 2015) She also

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