Poverty in Islam: The Rich Must Help the Poor

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I personally think that there should be rich people in the world as

well as poor people. This enables the rich to support the poor through

Sadaqah and Zakah. Through a Muslim point of view, there can be rich

people, but they must help the poor because the Prophet said:

'None of you believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes

for himself.'

From the times gone by of the Muslims we know that there can be

wealthy people, even if there is poverty in the world. Many of the

companions of the Prophet were very rich, but they were very generous

with their wealth. They helped the poor and needy by giving away much

of their wealth. They also donated a great deal for Islam, for example

they donated money etc to Jihad and other battles in the history of


In the Battle of Tabuk, many of the Companions of the Prophet

generously gave their wealth in order to help the Muslims provide for

the battle and in return they got reward for doing so.

The wealth they have been blessed with is from Allah. For this reason

they have a duty to help the poor because this is a responsibility

they have been given.

Some other people think that the rich should not help the poor because

they are lazy and not very hardworking. This is true in the sense that

the rich work hard to earn their wealth, so they deserve the reward

they get for the hard work, but they must consider the situation of

the poor as well as their own, this is a duty of a Muslim person

regardless of their wealthy ness.

Some poor people work very hard, but are not paid sufficiently by

their employers. There are other poor people who just sit on the

streets and b...

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... ye do not then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and

his messenger. And if ye repent, then ye have your principal (without

interest). Wrong not and ye shall not be wronged."

This basically means that the person who takes interest is making a

war or struggle against himself even though he has been warned by

Allah and his Messenger.

So I come to the conclusion that there are many ways to pay charity in

Islam. These ways can affect the way rich and poor people live.

If the rich people fulfil there duties to pay charities they can then

be able to get rid of their greed for more. This can also help them to

be humble.

Furthermore, if the rich people can fulfil their duties then the poor

people will also be able to benefit by receiving the charity paid by

the rich people provided they keep their patience.

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