Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder In Emily Rebecca Thorne's Revenge

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Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multi-division field that studies topic such as emotion, memory, child-development, personality disorder, psychological disorder, and etc. These divisions help people analyze others to understand why that person is that way. This paper will present the diagnosis of PTSD for Emily Rebecca Thorne, a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Revenge. Revenge is about a daughter getting revenge on the people that destroyed her father’s life. The writers of Revenge, shows the audience Emily Thorne’s life from her childhood to teenage years to her present life. Her whole motivation for life is Revenge. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder in which a person faces many distressing symptoms after he/she has gone through or faced a traumatic event. The symptoms must continue for over a month. DSM-5 criteria states that “the individual either directly experienced or witness the traumatic experience”. Or the individual “learned that the traumatic event happen to someone that was close to them.” Lastly, the individual is “exposed to the derails of the traumatic event.” A person with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder will have several different symptoms. One of the common symptoms is that the induvial is repeated …show more content…

She needs to change her life style and remove herself from the people that keep making her think of her father. She needs to talk to someone about her issues that is deeply engraved in her head. She can go into interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping clients improve current relationships. Emily needs change her life, not like how she used to always think about revenge. She needs to forgive and forget to live a healthier life. For once she needs to think about herself and no one

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