Popcorn Controversy

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Scene: The lobby of a movie theater.

HENRI and a group of friends are talking excitedly while waiting in line to enter a movie theater.

Enter JACKSON, holding two bags of popcorn and three drinks.

JACKSON. Hey, guys, I got snacks for us!

HENRI (shocked). Whoa, Jackson, how did you carry all of that? Here, let me help.

JACKSON. Thanks, can you get this bag of popcorn?

HENRI takes a bag of popcorn, and in the process a drink spills on JACKSON’s shirt.

HENRI. I’m so sorry! Look, it’s everywhere. (The other friends take the rest of the snacks from Jackson.)

JACKSON. That’s okay, a spill never hurt anyone.

BRENT, with his group of friends, walks by.

HENRI. Let me go get some napkins so you can dry off.

BRENT (to his friends). Look, guys, I guess someone forgot how to use a straw! (Brent and his friends laugh and begin to walk away.) …show more content…

That guy is just being a jerk. (Walking over to Brent.) Excuse me? Is there something you wanted to say to my friend?

BRENT (looking smug). No, I was just joking with my friends.

HENRI. So then why are you saying things about my friend?

BRENT. Look, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a joke.

HENRI. Well, we don’t think it’s very funny. You shouldn’t laugh at people who need help. Maybe you should apologize.

BRENT (to Jackson, genuinely apologetic). Look, I’m sorry. Here, you can have some of my napkins. (Hands Henri napkins.) You guys have fun at your movie.

BRENT exits with his friends.

JACKSON. You didn’t have to do that, Henri, but thanks.

HENRI. Are you kidding? No one says anything rude to my friends. I’ll always have your back.

JACKSON (smiling). All right, let’s go. We need to get good seats!

Exit JACKSON, HENRI, and their friends into the movie

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