Pony Express Pros And Cons

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As the young boy journeyed through the sweltering heat of Utah’s West Desert he remembered back when he was on the family farm up East. His eldest brother was talking about a job for pony riders to deliver mail. He continued on about a sign he saw that said “WANTED:Young,skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.” eager for adventure and dreading farm life he took up the offer of becoming apart of the Pony Express and rode to Missouri. On April 3, 1860 he would become the first rider of the Pony Express known as James Randall. The Pony Express was the savior to communication with the west carried important information back to back in a short amount of time. In 1848 a man named James …show more content…

Calhoun pushed for a bill that would use money from the united states treasury to build a system of roads and canals across the nation. But it was vetoed by James Madison he stated, “I am constrained by the insuperable difficulty I feel in reconciling the bill with the Constitution of the United States… The legislative powers vested in Congress are specified and enumerated in the eighth section of the first article of the Constitution, and it does not appear that the power proposed to be exercised by the bill is among the enumerated powers.”. St.Joseph, Missouri was chosen as the eastern terminus because it was connected to the eastern railroads and telegraph. The Western telegraph would be located in Sacramento, California. Benjamin Ficklin was hired as superintendent of the route. Ficklin set up the route into five divisions and hired superintendents to run each division. Over 400 hand picked horses were purchased and stations were built that at every station riders would exchange their horse for a fresh one. Some stations were equipped with beds to house riders. Each station was built 15-20 miles apart, riders rode about 75 miles every …show more content…

By the end the Pony Express had lost around $200,000. The Indian war cost the company $75,000. Following the 1860 presidential election trying to prove what the Pony Express could do a rider lest on November 7, to bring the news of Lincoln's election despite the heavy snow and harsh conditions the riders made it to Sacramento by November, 14. With the Pony Express comes many legends including William Cody aka Buffalo Bill, and Billy Tate. William Cody is best know for the longest ride in Pony Express history after his relief rider was killed William had to ride from Red Buttes Station to Rocky Ridge Station. The distance he travelled over the most dangerous part of the trail was 322 miles in 21 hours and 40 minutes using 21 horses. Billy is often seen as the bravest rider because he was only 14 years old when he was on his way to the station when he was intercepted by 12 braves Billy was able to hold his killing 7 of the braves and injuring some others but eventually Billy was shot by arrows. The only reason his body was found is because his horse arrived at the station just without Billy and a search party went out after him later to find his bodied being circled by birds with his going laying on the ground and arrows in his

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