Pompeii Research Paper

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Pompeii was once a large and promising city that one day became uninhabitable due to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
Pompeii was first historically documented in 310 BC as a small coastal village.
By the 5th century BC, Pompeii grew into wealthy sophistication.
It became a great place for citizens and wealthy vacationers.
Pompeii had many buildings with fresco and mosaic murals.
The murals were of Roman myths, sports, war, religion, or sex.
Water was very important for all classes.
Since few houses had water, it was obtained from public fountains and baths.
Their diets consisted of bread, cheese, vegetables, olives, eggs, garum, etc...
If affordable, they ate fish, meat, and cakes also.
All classes, from noble merchants to slaves, worked

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