Political Subcultures Summary

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It is evident that through the public’s engagement with government an establishment is made of the government. So, those who are active in politics are in control over how the government is define by the people of that area. Daniel J. Elazar’s has stated that there are three political subcultures and any mixture of those three make the culture for that area and these helps be able to identify the political beliefs and values of the people in that area. With Elazar’s classification of the three subcultures we can identify those dominant in Texas. In the end, it all l relies how they define how the people view government in their community.
With regards to political subculture, it is how you identify the political values and beliefs of the people …show more content…

As Elazar states, “… accepts a substantially hierarchical society as part of the ordered nature of things, authorizing and expecting those at the top of the social structure to take a special and dominant role in government” (Elazar, n.d.). It is an establishment that is formed and is later passed on to future generations to believe and are left to ultimately grow comfortable with. In this arena government becomes a method in order to maintain that order and any laws pass are meant to maintain those at the bottom. So, those who actually become active in government are those that have in role in politics and this signifies that only those actively participating in politics are benefitting. Also, Elazar points outs, “… social and family ties are paramount in a traditionalistic political subculture” (Elazar, n.d.). With personal ties being important, exchange of favors is done in order to create a competition for those already established. … Given these points, it is through these two political subcultures that we come to understand the conservative politics that are play in Texas, as it sustain the culture we have as whole and as long as we practice these we keep these political subcultures

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