Polio Essay

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Poliomyelitis colloquially known as Polio is a viral infectious diseases that in severe forms can cause paralysis or even death. Polio affects the motor neurons of the anterior horns in the grey matter if the spinal cord. Without nerve stimulation, the muscles become weak and undergo atrophy, eventually resulting in paralysis. Polio in rare cases does spread to the brain stem causing paralysis to the diaphragm and loss of breathing. Thankfully a vaccine to combat polio was developed by Jonas Salk, several years later an oral vaccine was developed by Albert Sabin, and a global health initiative to eradicate polio began. With one of the most successful public health programs ever conducted on a global scale poliomyelitis rate went from 350,000 cases worldwide in 1988 to only 2,971 confirmed cases in 2000. Although the 99% decrease in Polio cases can be seen between 1988 and 2000, the goal of eradication has proven to be elusive. Currently the tantalizingly difficult last 1 % will be tackled by the correct human qualities, adaptable initiatives and better socio-economic condition in affected counties. Out of the entire world epidemic that existed during the 20th century there are only 3 countries that are in an endemic situation as of today. Currently Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan are the only three countries with endemic polio. But the current goal of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is to eradicate polio rather than contain the disease. The eradication of polio would require human qualities that have contributed greatly in the past but need to be highlighted to be successful in the future. These human qualities must embrace the goal of polio eradication first and foremost before overcoming the main issues of interrupt... ... middle of paper ... ... coverage were less in lower socio-economic areas making it a major factor in the eradication of Polio. The Polio epidemic that plagued the world in the 20th century has become contained to only a few developing countries. Since the discovery of the polio vaccine and the global initiative to eradicate polio the incidence of cases has decreased 99% worldwide. However the remaining 1% of the lingering polio cases in the world is proving to be difficult to eradicate. With the highlighted human qualities that have been so successful in the past need to be highlighted in the future in order to be successful. But these qualities are only as successful as the adaptive initiatives that allow these human qualities to thrive and succeed. Also with improved socio-economic conditions in the remaining effected developing countries that dream of a polio free world is possible.

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