Poetry: Parmenides Of Elea

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Parmenides of Elea is most known for his short and fragmented poem titled “Nature”. He is regarded as “one of the most significant of the pre-Socratic philosophies.” (Biography Base) He was born in the Greek colony of Elea, Italy in the year 515 and died in 450 BC. Parmenides was the student of Xenophanes of Colophon, whom influenced his philosophy greatly. Parmenides founded the School of Elea, which Zeno (who was much younger than Parmenides) attended. His fellow citizens of Elea were very fond of him and attributed the prosperity of their town to the in depth legislation that Parmenides had put into place. It is said that he wrote many of the laws for the city of Elea. Much of Parmenides’ life is left up to question because some of his only work available today is the fragmented poem, and much of his day to day life is unknown. Never the less, Parmenides is an important figure who helped shape modern philosophy, as well as the ideas and theories of his time.
His best known and available work is his poem titled “Nature”. It is fragmented because part of it has been lost, or was n...

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