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“A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there's less of you.” In the words written above by well-known poet and novelist Margaret Atwood, I believe she makes a clear depiction of brokenness that occurs in the divorce process. I believe this quote sets the framework of what is true amongst most divorces. Divorces have become more frequent and in return to the steady rate, there has been an influx of broken homes in our current generation’s lifetime and the number will only grow from here. Divorce has a direct impact on those who are incorporated into all facets of the process and for that reason divorce roots run deep causing those involved to never the ability to escape.
We as a country and even further a world have found ourselves becoming increasingly more consumed with finding instant gratification in all aspects of this life. This instant gratification does not merely stop in the area of marriage instead it is found more frequently. For example, in areas congruent with marriage, we find a desire for instant happiness, pleasure and joy in most couples. We all want to be loved and show love, love is the embedded in our DNA, whether we are actively seeking it or not. I believe this proposes problems in the relationship aspect of life, if we seek instant gratification in something as important as love we only are destroying the word entirely. Love is a process and in most cases we rush the process, which can lead to divorce because one or both members of the marriage are not entirely committed or do not understand the commitment. Secondly, in a situation where the marriage is already established there comes a point where we can become not content in our current state and seek something “better” to fulfill our “needs...

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...se to exist. Honestly, a good solution would be to have fewer marriages across the board, but despite their being less marriage a lot of sexual immorality would occur because of the fleshly desires of the heart. For when sexual activity is present without the concrete act of marriage we run the risk of child conception into a non pre-established home which leads to diverse brokenness that is significantly harder to get over.
As a whole we will never truly solve the issue of divorce, but we can gradually progress into a state of further understanding of the repercussions of divorce. With divorce comes a significant amount of pain and stability issues. These issues will remain prevalent in every divorce that occurs, but divorces are becoming more socially acceptable. When these divorces become a social norm I believe there is no area of return but to save the young.

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