Playing The Piano Challenge

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Imagine you are sitting on a bench, running your fingers along the smooth keys in front of you. Your body swaying to the gentle music as you play. The soft sound of the notes filling your mind, blocking out everything else. Playing the piano is an enjoyable, educational activity. I enjoy it because it is a challenge, I am able to express my emotions, and I can create my own music. To start with, I enjoy playing the piano because of the challenge. A challenge gets my mind working, and makes me think. When everything is easy, you do not gain anything, but with a challenge, there are many things to gain. Working harder helps you build skill and independence. Playing the piano takes a lot of practice, and if I want to be really good, I am going to need lessons. I have to be able to memorize keys, symbols, the music, where my hands are supposed to go, and when to move my fingers or hands. Even though I may not get a physical reward, the skills I acquire from a challenge are important and will help in the future. …show more content…

Playing a song that reflects my current mood when I am frustrated or depressed is a good way to vent and clear my thoughts. It helps me get my mind off things, and I can get lost in the music. I tend to overthink things which makes me quite frustrated and stressed. When I play the piano, it calms my racing thoughts. The music helps take my mind off things and puts me in a lighter mood. If I am feeling down, I can play a cheerful song, and it will help me feel better. Playing songs on the piano is a simple and fun way to express

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