Plant Pollinators Essay

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The relationships between plants and pollinators play a key role in our ecosystems. Pollinators are animals, such as bees, butterflies, moths, bats, flies, wasps, and birds, that transfer pollen from one flower to another. Pollination is the movement of pollen to the male or female part of the plant. This leads to fertilization and the production of seeds and flowers. They maintain and establish ecosystems. “Pollinators are an integral part of our environment and our agricultural systems; they are important in 35% of global crop production” (NCRS 2013). “Pollinator declines can result in loss of pollination services which have important negative ecological and economic impacts that could significantly affect the maintenance of wild plant diversity, …show more content…

Some examples of crops that require pollination are cherries, almonds, cucumber, pears, and apples. This essential ecosystem service also provides and increases biodiversity. While pollinators benefit themselves they also benefit the plant by transporting its pollen allowing the plant to reproduce. Pollinators can be generic or specific. Generic pollinators are pollinators that can pollinate any plant. Specific pollinators are pollinators that pollinate a specific plant that provide certain characteristics these animals look for. Most pollinators are generalists. Generalist pollinators are common because they have it a little easier than specialists. Generic pollinators can pollinate any plant near them and do not need to travel far away for a specific plant. However, their process can also take longer because they don’t have a specific plant just for them, they may not be able to find nectar. Because generic is more abundant in the wild then most generic plants may have already been pollinated. For example, if the population of a generic pollinator increases …show more content…

Without them we will have a major decline in crop production and most of our valuable crops will soon disappear. They can be generalists or specialists meaning they can choose a specific plant or pollinate whichever. Another factor in this process is plant morphology. The different structures allow pollinators to choose which plants they want to pollinate. These animals choose them based on size, shape, scent, color, and location. They pollinate for rewards like nectar, pollen, oil, and a place to rest and hang out. All of these factors are important for pollination and without them our lives will be extremely

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