Plagiarism In Finding Forrester

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Having courage can open windows to new experiences for everyone involved. In the movie Finding Forrester, William Forrester is a recluse who has been hiding from society for about forty years. Occasionally, Mr. Forrester looks out his window with a pair of binoculars. Because of this, he draws the attention of some boys who are playing basketball in the court below his apartment window who thought the ¨Man in the Window” was spying on them. Among those boys is young Jamal Wallace, who is a brilliant writer in need of guidance. Jamal attends a public high school and is afraid of showing his full abilities because of his fear of not fitting in. In spite of his average grades, his exemplary test scores get him a full ride to an elite private school. Here at this private school he is noticed for both his educational skills and also his abilities on the basketball court. Along his …show more content…

While Jamal is at the last basketball game, it is up to his last two free throws whether they win the game or not. Also, his charges of plagiarism will be dropped if he makes those two shots. Earlier in the movie, Jamal makes about 50 shots in a row, so it can be guessed that he misses those shots on purpose because he does not want to take the easy way out. This shows courage on Jamals part because if he makes those shots his name will be cleared and he will have nothing to worry about. Emanuel Levy agrees that the main characters, Jamal and Forrester, respond to conflict by showing courage. Because of his decision to face his consequences, he allows Forrester to come out of his shell a little more. Jamal also had the choice to confess to everyone that Mr. Forrester had indeed given him permission to write part of his story. If Jamal had done that, Forrester never would have been able to do it for himself. With these examples it can be confirmed that having courage in times of conflict does not have to be a bad

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