Pitbulls Should Be Banned Essay

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Many people have this preconceived notion that Pit bulls are an aggressive dangerous breed of dog that is always ready to turn on anyone at any time even for any reasons. This idea is so ingrained into people's minds that some cities, counties, and home complexes have “Breed Specific Laws” (Also known as BSL) which can prohibit people of owning certain dog breeds in that area. BSL is really a form of discrimination against dogs. Without any knowledge of the dog or how well it has been trained, they are just banned based entirely on the breed of dog.
Why are pitbulls banned? Well it might help to first know what a Pit bull is. First of all a pit bull is not exactly a breed itself but a general term used to refer to a few different types of …show more content…

What exactly is dogfighting? Well to quote Humane Society is a “Dogfighting is a sadistic "contest" in which two dogs—specifically bred, conditioned, and trained to fight—are placed in a pit (generally a small arena enclosed by plywood walls) to fight each other for the spectators' entertainment and gambling (humanesociety.org). Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs will not or cannot continue. In addition to these organized dogfights, street dogfights are a problem in many urban areas.” Aside from the legal problems, the mental and physical effects that dogfighting can have on these animals are severe and often fatal (humanesociety.org). they normally die of blood loss, exhaustion, shock, dehydration or any of the possible injuries it is inflicted with during the fight (humanesociety.org). Those that are rescued usually suffer a lot of mental scarring and develop aggressive behavior, that is if they aren't put down. Once they are rescued there is a lot of work that goes into deprogramming the aggressive behavior that they were taught from their old owners

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