Pitbulls Are Not Aggressive Dog

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For many years pitbulls have been seen as very aggressive, wild, malicious and just a very dangerous dog in general. The fact is that pitbulls are not aggressive dog they have that perception because of their owners, it is the owner of the dogs fault. Pitbulls are just creatures that need to be taught what to do and how to act in any situation. Pitbulls and dogs in general are like babies, when they are born they do not know how to do anything so that's when their parents come into play and begin to teach them the essential of life like how to walk, use the restroom, do tricks, and just the basic manners of a dog. So animals owners have that ability to teach us either the bad or the good. They have that ability to make us who we are, so it's …show more content…

Pitbulls are never intentionally aggressive they only ever become aggressive because they either had the lack of training or because they have once or even experienced multiple cases of abuse or neglect. Yes, any dog can go through this same thing but there is already this controversy that pitbulls are the problem. The only difference between a pitbull and other dogs are the fact that pitbulls already have that reputation of being a bad dog, a dog that attacks just to attack and a dog that has that vicious mode always on. Although there was once a time when pitbulls were seen as protectors. For example according to “ Meet Sergeant Stubby, America's Original Dog of War ”, by Gillian Kane, he states, “ On July 6, 1921...Sergeant Stubby, a short brindle bull terrier mutt, was officially a decorated hero of World War I...He had reportedly comforted wounded warriors on bullet-strafed battlefields. It was said he could sniff out poison gas, barking warnings to doughboys in the trenches.” During this time pitbulls did not yet have that perception of being a malicious dog. So, for many years people had a clear conscious about what type of dog they were, they had the idea that they were just caring and loving dogs, and they were able to be treated like any other dog because of the good deed that Stubby …show more content…

As the article “ How did pit bulls get such a bad rap?” it tells us the following, “...dog fighting made a comeback in the 80s, and the pit bull is the dog of choice. ..hugely publicized attack in 1987 in which a pit bull guarding a marijuana crop in California mauls and kills a two-and-a-half year-old boy.” Many people do not realize the fact that that was absolutely not the dogs intention. He or she was just doing what they were taught to do which was guard the marijuana plant. That dog's owners probably tortured that dog into learning about how to attack and when to attack, and in this case it was to attack anyone if they came too close to the plant, but people went straight to integrating the pitbull breed after this incident which again was not the dogs intentions but it was the dogs commands. Nevertheless any dog who was commanded to do something of course they are going to do it. Society is just so quick to attack a dog and its breed because of something that had

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