Physical Therapist Scholarship Essay

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I cannot remember a single day where I have doubted my desire to become a physical therapist. I was born with pseudoarthrosis of my left tibia. In other words, breaking my leg was inevitable, and once it was broken, it had no chance of properly healing. Before many other efforts were exhausted, and I was old enough to make the decision to amputate, I spent ages 2 through 9 having surgery about every 8 months. Between surgeries, I attended physical therapy 3 days each week. My physical therapist, Tomika, played an unbelievably substantial role in allowing me to live the life I do today. Because of her I am not defined by my disability. I honestly despise that word, disability, because it implies that I am inhibited by my condition and that is simply not the case. If anything, I have grown as a person because of my experience as a patient. …show more content…

If I can impact one patient’s life the way she has mine, than the 7 years of my childhood spent in a hospital and the 7 years of schooling I am currently at the beginning of will absolutely be worth it. A scholarship would allow me to more smoothly get to the point where I can truly make a difference. With the help of a scholarship, I can focus on becoming the best physical therapist I can possibly be and worry less about the financial burden it puts on my family and me. I fully understand the privilege that it is to be able to obtain a college education, and I am determined not to squander that privilege. With the amount of time I have spent as a patient, I know I will bring a unique outlook to the field; all I need are the tools to get

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