Kaiser Permanente Scholarship Essay

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If I can turn back in time, I would advise my young self to join the Kaiser Permanente volunteering program sooner and to skip the small conversations in meetings. Those talks may seem necessary for the first few times, but this communication method can become meaningless since people do not interact on a personal level. Joining the program had supported me by allowing me to associate with various friends through teamwork and encouraged me to thrive beyond my comfort zone.
During the first two years of high school, I volunteered for various clubs to discover my interests. At the time, clubs seemed similar to hobbies that American teenagers enjoy to pursue rather than develop practical skills. Reaching my second year, I joined the Kaiser Junior volunteering program after unexpectedly running into volunteers during a visit at Kaiser, and it left a warming impression that inspired me to sign up for the program. I vowed to work as hard as my peers and past volunteers, who achieved many recognitions and honorable pins. For the first time, I challenged myself to initiate conversations with anyone while pushing my introversion beyond the cozy comfort zone, even when my inner voice tells me I will never succeed. Although I actively participate in competitive clubs, such as MESA and …show more content…

When I learned that one individual can only do so much while a group of passionate individuals can even move mountains, I took on the role of a shift leader to moderate volunteers and joined the emergency department to study a new environment the hospital offer. During that time, I trained numerous volunteers and assisted countless staffs in saving lives at an effective rate with quality services. Many volunteers I trained are continuing their ardent determination to thrive in the small volunteer room alongside with zealous

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