Persuasive Speech: Women Should Be Allowed In Sports

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Speech Mrs. Bauch Tye Joint 5th block How many of you women have thought you can beat the men in their own sport?! Well some women out there are a lot more athletic than the men out there and they should be equally treat just like the men are! Well today I?m going to try and persuade you that women should be allowed in the same sports as men are. I?m just going to cut to the chase women should be treated equal! They should be able to play men?s sports! Everyone says and thinks ?oh no women aren?t as athletic as men or the men aren?t as athletic as the women? it isn?t about athleticism it?s about who is working harder than the other. I?m going to give you an example of one that talks about the sport of cricket. People in cricket have proven that the game is 20% power and that also is mixed in with injuries and such and the rest of the percent is all technique (Lawson). Another sport that I can think of that doesn?t let women compete against men is in track. There are girl?s out there that are faster, can jump higher, and some can even throw farther then some men (Brustad). An example of a very fast girl that could beat some men at least is Lolo Jones! You can?t compare her to like Usain Bolt because nobody is faster than him in the world. Lolo is very fast and she is also a …show more content…

People out there also think women are great at throwing knuckle balls but not fast balls. Some girls are great at kicking and they would be better then some of those NFL players, so they could definetly be able to do field goals and such. There once was a girls golfer back in the day but the girls know are a lot better then they were back then they could get really close to some of the men golfers. Last but not least girls could if they are tough and want to they could defenitly play football they are in risk of getting hurt very bad but threy play at there own risk

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