Persuasive Speech On Life

598 Words2 Pages

You are living life right now unaware, unaware of the little time you have remaining to really enjoy your life. On average, we will live roughly about 28,835 days not accounting for factors such as diet or living conditions. We spend approximately 5,475 days in school and including all the other things we do such as; sleeping, eating/drinking, working, traveling, watching tv, household activities, bathing and community activities, we only have 2740 days remaining. 2740 days days to socialize, build a family, do recreational activities and honestly, thats not a lot of time. Life may be the longest thing you will experience but you should not take it for granted because whether you know it or not, your life is important. You do not realize the impact that you have on the people surrounding you so if you ever feel worthless or unwanted, you are wrong. Starting from the day you are born, till the day you die, you should try and make every day, every moment, count. How do you make everyday in your life a remarkable one? Well start with being nice. No one likes a mean person and the wor...

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