Persuasive Speech On Drinking Water

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Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to drink more water and present ways for them to drink water, so they can stay healthy.

I. Attention

a) Attention getter: What do human beings, trees and fishes have in common? Give up? Well, we all need water to survive. How many of you drink at least eight glasses of water a day?

b) Establishment of Ethos: Nature has given us plenty of free water, instead of There is a hydration crisis among kids today

c) Thematic Statement: Drinking water is a necessity in our daily lives. Everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy. There are many ways people can get accustomed to drinking water everyday; it's only a matter of following a simple routine.

(Transition: Why should we drink more water everyday?) …show more content…


A. Main Idea #1: Water is the main ingredient in all the fluids that make up our body systems. These fluids travel through our body, carrying nutrients and waste to and from all of our cells and organs.

i. Our heart, eyes, and intestines, need water-based fluids to survive.

ii. Water speeds the metabolism and helps a person burn more calories iii. According to the Good Health Advisory Board there is a hydration crisis among people today, it's absolutely crucial to drink water everyday is the order right method to purify the human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh

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