Persuasive Letter Cyberbullying

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Byron, Apologies for this email. I know that sometimes it's not the best way to convey one's thoughts. However, I am far too angry to talk to you in person. In fact I'm livid with you. I spent many hours with Lora going over what happened that Sunday. I wanted to understand what led up to the accident and how the hell it happened. I couldn't understand it at first. It made no sense to me, and I couldn't figure out how Lora got lowered off the end of the rope. It took me a sleepless night to come up with the answer. You played a large role in this accident. Your actions are partly responsible for the trauma that both Lora and Amber are dealing with. Trauma that I now have to deal with. You were NOT an innocent bystander. Yes, both Lora and Amber are also responsible. They both made mistakes that they are owning. Your actions set them up for failure however. …show more content…

Honestly, what were you thinking? It took me hours to figure how exactly what you had constructed for them. I don't even know how you set up what you did. It makes no sense to me. One sharp end through the draws on the right side, and the sharp end handing from the anchors on the other? That's just weird. And the worst part? You set up this complex, non symmetrical, and unusual rigging, and then just walked away without explaining to Lora and Amber how to safely use it. It seems you were too focused on your own climbing to explain to them what you had set up. You were selfish and irresponsible. You were looking out for yourself first, and blind to the needs of

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