Persuasive Essay: Why Should Homework Should Be Wrong?

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Homework is something that every student is faced with and has had to do from generation to generation but that should change. Today’s students are more busy than ever. School, work, jobs it is becoming too much . Innovative schools have discovered that many students benefit from no homework or a limited amount of homework. Homework teaches responsibility and balance. At the same there needs to be time for rest and reciprocation which is also important for a healthy balance. Homework is effective and daunting it should be adjusted to students grades k-12 everyday lives, it helps students to balance in school and out of school tasks. Banning homework is a very controversial topic. There are many who are for it and just as many who are against it. Many parents argue the “if its not broken don’t fix it approach”. But so many educators, professors and teachers are looking at the research done by many people studying long and hard into the subject. Those people like Etta Kralovec, Dr. Jan Wesson and Dr. John Rhodes just to name a …show more content…

Wesson and Dr. Rhodes study is unique because it gives a voice to the students. When they asked the students about homework and grading heres what they said. “If a teacher does not grade the homework and return it to the students the next day or quickly thereafter, the students report feeling like they have wasted their time on that activity (Wilson 352).” It is very sad that students feel like their homework is a waste of their time. If students feel that something is worthless and a waste of time they they are less likely to do it. They next go on to say “although teachers continue to assign homework when some students fail to turn it in, there are justifiable reasons why they continue to require the completion of such tasks (Wilson 353).” Why continue to do something that has shown no good results. It is time for a change a change for the better. A change that could improved teaching, helping students and success

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