Persuasive Essay: Why Canada Should Be Taught French

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Why Canadians Should be Taught French We live in a world with so many different cultures, races, religions, and languages and it’s important for students like us to be educated about our world. Living in a country like Canada, a bilingual country, means we need to appreciate the other languages and try to speak them. So, I today will be educating and writing to you on why us Canadians should learn and appreciate our Second language. French. Not just Canadians speak French, French is the official language of 29 nations such as Chad, Switzerland, Belgium, Mali and more. There is about 500 million people that speak French and about 7 million of those are Canadians. Now if you're like me and love to travel and see new places it probably is important for you to understand other cultures and especially languages. How are you supposed to order food if you can’t ask them in their language? Or ask for directions if you're lost? These things are crucial for traveling especially in countries that don’t speak your first language. Why French is so important to learn for traveling is because 20.4% of the world speaks French that's almost ¼ of the world and once you know French it makes other European languages significantly easier so you …show more content…

Because a lot of European languages share a great extent of common vocabulary. If you speak one of the common European languages such as French, Italian, or Portuguese you will notice a lot of shared or similar vocabulary. Some researchers say “learning a language typologically similar to the language or languages we already know allows us to use our prior knowledge through the process known as positive transfer” and use it to our advantage with familiar sounds and words. Learning any foreign language is hard and not just French so that's why I think we should utilize every simpler way to learn it. Like applying our skills from one language to the

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