Persuasive Essay: Should Teachers Get Paid?

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Imagine a world where teachers didn’t exist. Nobody would learn how to do any of the skills educators teach us how to do now. That world isn’t too far away, unless educators get paid more for their work. Teachers should receive a higher salary. Teaching is a difficult job, education is important, and if we stay with the same we have now, we may have no teachers. First, teachers sacrifice so much for students. They work long hours every day. The average school day is seven hours long. With time in between classes, a lunch period, and maybe a planning period, teachers could work about six hours a day, five days a week, for nine months. That’s 1,644 hours a year, plus some teachers work more than nine months since they need to come in earlier …show more content…

Cashiers require knowing how to quickly count change and social skills. Nurses and doctors require a degree in college. Accountants require a high school diploma or higher, as well as being able to quickly read and type in data. Teachers getting a higher salary means they will stay in the job and help get a proper education for these jobs. Finally, if teachers aren’t paid more, we may have no teachers. It’s common for people to quit their jobs for a new one if they get paid little money for their work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Oklahoma pays teachers the least amount of money out of any states in the U.S., and consequently teachers leave their jobs in Oklahoma to teach at other states. With teachers working such long hours and paying for classroom supplies with their own cash, they will feel underappreciated to be getting such a low salary. That will cause many teachers to quit their jobs. Opponents may say that raising a teacher’s salary could lower the teacher’s quality. This is false. If a teacher were to be paid more, they would more easily be assured that what they are doing is worth their time and effort. Since teachers currently get paid little, they likely didn’t pick the career for money. Raising the salary they receive would do them a favor, not turn them greedy or lower their

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