Persuasive Essay On Women In The Military

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Throughout my life I have heard a particular phrase almost one million times, “I need four strong guys,” and every single time it gets under my skin. When I was younger, I never understood why they had to be boys. Now that I’m older I understand that it’s because the teacher assumed the task was one designated for boys because it involved lifting or carrying. Over the course of history there have been many restrictions on women, and slowly but surely women have fought back and gained more and more opportunities that the very much deserved. The obstacles women had to overcome have ranged from earning the right to vote, to being able to walk outside in a skirt above their knees. Now, the battle has become for full equality and women are pushing for the same positions and treatment that men receive, especially in the military. Females should be allowed to fulfill special warfare positions because they are capable, …show more content…

Although men are generally stronger, we must understand that with any job position there are expectations, and women need to be able to do the job; not beat their co-workers. According to the study conducted by the Physical Education Department of McMaster University, “The women were approximately 52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively.” Men have taken the stance that there are no females who can complete the training for special warfare positions like Army Rangers or Navy SEALs. These arguments are not valid because there are always exceptions to any scenario, as there is in McMaster study. Examples of the exceptional women are the first three graduates from the Marine Corps Infantry School of Infantry. These women are revolutionizing the military, and the world, by helping people realize the potential that women

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