Unnecessary Cruelty: The Case Against Animal Testing

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Animals, they are the most beloved living things on earth. We cuddle with them when we’re depressed and sad, we play with them until we’re too tired to keep up, and the most reason they are loved is because they are cute. But animal testing is treating these animals like their lives mean nothing. All animal testing is unnecessary and should be banned. The testing should be banned because animals suffer and die, and if the testing continues many species will die and go extinct, and lastly it’s expensive to run these tests. How the animals die and suffer? First, they use harmful chemicals on the animals like rabbits. They test eye products on rabbits sensitive eyes (Peta). Rabbits are known for cuteness but also the fact that they have extremely sensitive eyes. First of all, the federal government and many health charities waste precious dollars from taxpayers (Peta). This is saying that the money we pay in tax is used for testing. Secondly, animals are also used in toxicity tests conducted as part of massive regulatory testing program (Peta). A toxicity test is where you conduct to determine which degree can damage a living or nonliving organism. Thirdly, we use our money to pay for the test like this toxicity one. They use $16 billion from taxpayers money for the test (Peta). This is also saying that when we pay taxes, unknowingly the government uses the tax money to pay for the test. While some may argue that animal testing is helpful because it will make medical breakthroughs, and not to mention it will save many of people that have been touched by a disease, sickness or illness. It is more true that during these breakthroughs animals will suffer and die. These innocent animals are abused and through the test will become weaker. Some evidence to prove this is that millions of animals are encaged and are abused for testing. Meanwhile the conductors do nothing about it and let these animals suffer

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