Persuasive Essay On The Foster System

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The foster system is beyond corrupted. There is low opportunities for kids with nothing to grow up and be someone. The system is bringing kids down and ruin whatever hope they had. Changes need to be made to insure the happiness of the orphans and foster children. Foster kids aren’t reunited with families, mistreated, and abused. This all happens under the foster system that takes place today. The system needs to change and fight for the children. The system needs to change for the better.

What is the system really fighting for? Over 670,000 kids have spent time in foster in just one, according to google. Six percent of those kids stay in the system for five years or more. They should be fighting for reunification unless the parent is deceased. “I have been in the foster system for fourteen years, I’m yet to even meet my parents.” Melvin states. The people representing him have done everything but try to help him and his parents reunite. This shows that the goal of the people representing him aren't the best. Many things that kids should know are hidden from them …show more content…

Sixteen percent of foster placements mistreat or abuse foster kids according to a reading from and Missouri educational pdf. Zavie says , “ It was months of hitting and mistreatment.” The foster systems should put new rules in place so that when the monthly home visit comes feeling can't be faked. In many cases the foster family acts as if everything is okay but really when the caseworkers leaves everything goes back to the way it was. This shows how easily a kid can be put in the same situation they were taken out of. This shows that the caseworkers aren’t doing a good enough job or the system is not invested enough to see what really going on. Children are mentally abused in homes everyday. A child says “ My foster father yelled at me and said he didn't love me and it was just about money.” The precautionary measures aren't enough ,there should be

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