Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Do you remember the last time you used your phone while driving a car? In our modern society, one can find that almost everyone possess a cell phone and drive a car, but because of this easy access, a new problem has risen. According to the National Safety Council, about 1.6 million vehicle crashes are due to texting and driving - that’s about 28% each year. Many people don't realize how serious this problem is and how much it affects people around them. We need to look at why we need to reconsider our actions and how we can stop this issue from getting too out of hand.
We need to treat texting and driving like we do with drinking and driving. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood have suggested that “America needs to get tough and start penalizing drivers who text. Drunk driving death didn’t go down until the police started arresting people and drivers lost their licenses.” And LaHood is right. We should apply harsher laws to penalize drivers who decide to endanger …show more content…

“Most young people think they’re invincible,” says LaHood. As youngsters get their first chance at driving, they become arrogant and seem to have this logic that since they are young nothing can stop them. But they are not as untouchable as they thought they were. People who are under 20 are most likely to be distracted than any other age group, and 26% of sixteen to seventeen year olds have admitted to texting behind the wheel. They contribute to the dangers that are caused by texting and driving. “Driving is a new skill for teens, so doing multiple things simultaneously takes more effort for them than far more experienced drivers,” says Nancy Mann Jackson, writer of “Cell Phones and Texting Endanger Teen Drivers.” Teenagers are also guilty of multitasking while driving. They seem to think that after acquiring newly skill that they have already gained experience in driving, and what makes it worse is their incapability to put down that

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