Persuasive Essay On Special Olympics

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Every seemingly little thing you do can have a profound impact on a life. I believe that to make an impact, you do not have to do anything major, but instead do little things every day that bring people joy. One major way I have done that is through the Special Olympic Track program at my school. This experience is rewarding for volunteers and athletes alike. Every year throughout high school, I have been given the opportunity to volunteer at my school’s Special Olympic Track meet. This event hosts hundreds of student athletes, and the high school track team runs the meet. This event has always been one of the highlights of my year. Seeing the joy on the faces of the competitors brings a smile to the face of everyone who is involved. Although this is a competition, all the athletes celebrate at the finish line, regardless of where they placed. Competing students from various schools would celebrate together, along with everyone helping at the meet. I believe that by hosting this event, the track team members who ran the meet also benefited. The joy of playing is often lost as sports grow more competitive, and the Special Olympic team was able to demonstrate the joy that should come with playing and doing your best. This event …show more content…

Olaf, I would like to either join or create an organization that helps with Special Olympic events. I would like to find a group of students who share the same interest, and work with local schools to assist with or create events. By doing this, students in Special Olympics would have more events throughout the year. The students who participate will also benefit. Watching the joy on the faces of the competitors not only brings joy, but also inspiration. For me, being a part of the Special Olympic program helped me see what true happiness is, and how it can be found despite difficult circumstances. I hope that by participating in this program, students will be able to experience that happiness while helping a great

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