Persuasive Essay On School Uniforms

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School uniforms have become an essential part of schooling in many parts of the world. According to the article “Uniforms for Learning” it mentions that “In Britain, for example, 98% of parents of primary and secondary school students surveyed in 2007 by the Department of Education said that their schools required them.” While in other countries the idea of school uniforms is being adapted, the United States is slowly trailing behind. Many schools that regulate the dress code of school uniforms say that it helps with the feeling of safety for the students and it creates a learning environment that allows students to focus on their studies. In the United States there has been research and studies that contributes to the analysis that shows the benefits of school uniforms. In one article it stated that “In 1996, only 3% of public schools in the country required students to wear them. By 2000, this figure had risen to 12% and by 2010 to 19%” (“Uniforms”). These results show that every year the United States is slowly adapting to the idea of school uniforms into our education system. Although many researches have positive results, there are still some short-comings (Viardero). With school uniforms, students lose the freedom to express their individuality (“Student”). Studies show both the benefits and no change effects of school uniforms, and this can be inconsistent to say that school uniforms have helped entirely. Even though the studies vary with this issue, teachers and school faculty, who experience the effect of school uniforms, see the positive movement of it (Viadero). Students are still growing, especially in grade school, so the struggles and stress are at a great amount among the students and school uniform can ...

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...presents unity and pride within the school, which brings the students and the faculty closer together. This helps the students to feel a part of something and can lead to helping how they feel individually. It can lessen the stress of worrying about the outer appearance and support the attention of the students focus on the studies. In the long run, changing over to school uniforms will be beneficial and help the education system. If the idea was pushed forward and eventually it was accepted, it would not seem so foreign or wrong. Schools should want to build an environment where the students compete based on how well you learn and race to become the top student instead of becoming the most popular. Eliminating that one extra problem of school attire and making school uniform required clothing will become a solution in many of the schools on-going issues.

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