Negative Cons Of School Uniforms

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Uniforms in public schools are becoming more and more accepted around the world. “Over the last two decades, the debate over the implementation of school uniform policies in public schools has been a consistent presence in schools and districts around the United States.” (Sanchez, 345). Teachers, parents and school administrators feel the need for school uniforms as a positive way to increase school safety and increase academic performance. Even though school uniforms are not the most popular choice among students and parents, the positive impact school uniforms make on students and the school outweigh the negative opinions. Without the pressure of competing with different styles, students are more relaxed in school, leading to disappearing …show more content…

He added that he believes wearing school uniforms decreases creativity in students, making them less creative than students who do not wear uniforms, and that students could probably develop in a more creative way if they did not wear uniforms” (171). Kids at the age of middle school and high school developmentally are striving to become independent from their parents and form their own personality and styles. “There is an opinion to be considered that middle school and high school students are at a stage in their life where they develop individuality and an interest in appearance and clothes, and wearing school uniforms that provide little room for choice in terms of design or color can interfere with development of individuality” (Park 168-169). Another negative aspect is not everyone can afford school uniforms. In the article entitled, “Do School Uniforms Lead to Uniform Minds” it is stated by Judy Park, “Yet with the brand power of some uniform manufacturers gaining weight, uniforms are not necessarily reducing the economic burden, and are sometimes even adding a burden for parents. Recently, a major school uniform company started to add an embroidered company logo on their uniforms,

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