Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens

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Almost everybody on Long Island, and probably all around the world, has been prescribed a drug by a doctor before— whether it was to knock out a nasty virus, or relieve pain post injury or surgery. However, what many people don’t realize is that these drugs can have highly addictive qualities, and more and more people are becoming hooked, specifically teenagers. But when does harmlessly taking a prescription drug to alleviate pain take the turn into the downward spiral of abuse? The answer to that question would be when the user begins taking the drug for the “high” or good feelings brought along with it—certainly not what it was prescribed for (1). The amount of teens that abuse prescription medications has been rapidly increasing in recent …show more content…

Clearly, his study shows that prescription drug abuse among teens has risen a lot, and is becoming a bigger problem than it once was. In fact, each day, over 1,000 teenagers start abusing prescription medication (3). Although personally I have not met anyone who has ever abused prescription drugs, the problem is prevalent and should not be ignored. Of course, to obtain a prescription medication such as a strong pain killer, you would think you would need a prescription. So how are so many teens retrieving these drugs that can permanently alter their lives? In this day and age, most teenagers have access to the internet, computer, and all sorts of technology. The statement, “you can find anything on the internet,” holds true in this situation, as many teens are able to purchase all sorts of prescription medication online (4). If a parent suspects their child may be abusing prescription drugs, they should begin monitoring their search history and credit card purchases. It is shocking that teenagers can so easily purchase drugs online, just as easily as purchasing anything else. Another way these teens may be obtaining prescription drugs is by theft. Believe it or not, many teen …show more content…

The most common prescription drug that many teenage drug abusers may be stealing or trying to purchase online would be opioids, also known as narcotics, which include drugs such as OxyContin, morphine, and Percocet (5). Narcotics are drugs that are used to relieve pain, triggering a sense of euphoria from the brain’s pleasure center. Many teens may abuse narcotics to feel that sense of pleasure (5). Another prescription medication that teenagers commonly abuse are stimulants, such as Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine. These drugs stimulate dopamine production in the brain, lifting moods and calming anxiety, which is why it is a commonly abused prescription drug (5). Due to the easy accessibility with some of these prescription medications and their high potential for abuse, teenagers who abuse them are putting their mind’s and bodies at risk for the many side effects that come along with abusing drugs, which can sometimes be fatal.
 While many teens abuse prescription drugs to feel a sense of euphoria and calmness, the short term and long term effects that come along with abusing the medication are not worth it. In the short term, commonly abused drugs such as narcotics

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