Persuasive Essay On Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Everyone, at some point in their life, wants to successful in something. Whether it be a class, job or sport. If one wants it bad enough, they will do whatever it takes to get it by any means necessary. Today, many have gone to the extreme of using drugs. Performance-enhancing drugs are the most commonly seen in the athletic community. These types of drugs are already illegal and should stay that way. Athletes all around the world are facing enormous pressure to succeed. The pressure is sometimes too much so they risk their whole career and life just to feel better before, after, or during their event. The process of catching users and unmasking their dealers is a tough one but it is saving lives and keeping the integrity in the game. Every athlete experiences extreme pressure to perform to their best ability. They want to win, it’s as simple as that. For some the pressure is too much for them to handle and they believe the only way out is drugs. Whether it be for increasing their body’s performance or relaxing, they are still recognized as performance enhancing drugs. Across the world athletes have been discriminated and banned from …show more content…

So those that are getting involved into drugs are willing to gamble their health, or even their life. Most drugs that are taken are used to enhance one’s performance, but they have found that other types of drugs are misused to relax, cope, and/or boost their own confidence. Being an athlete also comes with harsh practice when you are wanting to improve your talents and skill. Sometimes you can hurt yourself and for that there are pain medications. These can be consumed in a careful manner and they should only used for their true purpose. One could overdose when taking too many at once, but they have recently found that more and more athletes are using the pain medications to cover up their use of other

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