Persuasive Essay On National Parks

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National Park Fees National parks in America have been a place of wonder and refuge for people and animals alike. People travel from all around the world to see these breathtaking scenes. Living in America, it is easier to visit national parks; however, the increase in entrance fees, nearly doubling the cost, makes it harder for the visitors to rationalize spending the money. Although a raise in entrance fees helps the park keep up its appearance, they will not fix the problems that come with the budget cut this year. National park entrance fees should be kept at a reasonable cost creating a fun, worry-free environment, that anyone should be able to enjoy. To lead off, national parks have played a significant role in American history by Parks began based on an idea that all should be able to experience the majestic wonders. They did not worry about the cost of entrance fees because until recently there have been none too minimalistic fees. With this inflation by nearly 180% it is hard to rationalize spending vast amounts of money on something that was once free. National Parks can get their money different ways. They can create programs that schools could take students to learn about history, culture and nature. Some of the best education one gets is not from inside the classroom or from behind a desk. Biology and ecology programs at college are always needing job internships which could be gotten at national parks. Youth hostels would be a great way to get this generation interested in the outdoors. We can bring national parks back to their roots. Creating a worry free environment brings people together to see the value of our friends, family history, and nature. Millions of people come to see what nature is already there. Beauty cannot be priced because it should be free to look at. Fees are not the solution to a problem that has been in the making for years. We have to take a step back and see the world how it is and not just how we perceive

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