Persuasive Essay On National Debt

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Alexander Hamilton once said, “a national debt, if not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.” The debt of the United States of America is by far excessive. As of April 27th 2014, at 7:45PM GMT, the estimated apparent debt is $17, 444, 8555, 980, 176.09; which makes each of the 318, 108, 108 citizens owe a portion of $54, 839.39 and demonstrates the daily increase in debt of $2.40 billion. Evidently, such a crisis did not arise over night. Numbers have steadily soared with the occasional dip and fluctuation. As for the deficit, the U.S. continues to spend more than it receives in revenue, adding to the cumulative debt. If the government continues expenditures in such increased amounts, the country will never eliminate its trillions upon trillions of debt.
When the Founding Fathers mapped out the United States Constitution, astronomical debt was hardly an issue for a nation barely on its feet. Honored as a brilliant document of brevity, clarity, and flexibility, the United States Constitution set the foundation for the future. In the Preamble, the document proclaims a desire to “insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves”. How can a nation promote domestic tranquility or secure hard-earned blessings when the U.S. is catapulting towards yet another financial disaster? As delineated in Article V of the Constitution, the Amendment Process ensures that formal change to the document is indeed possible. The 28th Amendment should address the growing debt issue of the United States and outlaw deficit spending, except during crucial instances, like war.
In the throes of a recession or depression, individuals spend less mone...

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...s proven continually that it is spends inordinate sums of money it does not have, borrowing excessively and racking up further debt. The government overspends because it can. Yes, overspending stimulates the economy; but, with knowledge that countries are willing to lend the money, the government focuses on the now rather than the later. Overstimulation fails to be a successful in the long term. “If government can launch the Manhattan Project to win a war, put men in space, and seek to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan, why is it ideologically suspect to talk about using the federal government’s resources, in a consistent and focused way, to build an American Economy that can endure for the next fifty or one hundred years” (Holstein 164). An American Economy enduring for centuries is possible if and only if the government puts a complete end to deficit spending now.

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