Debt Crisis Essay

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Global debt crisis is essentially widespread globally. There are different issues that can cause debt crises. Currently, different countries around the world are facing debt crises, and definitely that is because of an error in the banking system. We’ll see below what are the main causes briefly and what are really the objectives that lead to a collapse in the banking system or so financial crisis.

There are different factors that lead to debt crises, like Oil shock prices, which is when a price increase, then every single price for the product will increase. Everything depends on oil, the economy will not work well without petrol which is oil, for example shipments and transportation. If there was no shipments and no transportation then there will also be no exports and no import, which will also lead to no profit and that will cause debt crisis. Another factors that leads to debt crisis is interest rate developments, aggressive bank lending, mismanagement or corruption in LDC’s, like poor citizens in the country and the president owns the money to himself. There is also another f...

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