Persuasive Essay On Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is an issue that occurs all too often. It is a problem that is woven through out American history as well as everywhere else in the world. Adults and children of every religion, race, gender, sexuality and more are being harbored and sold for the purpose of forced labor or sexual exploitation. In Colorado alone about 9,730 women and 1,710 men experienced sexual assault during the year of 1998 (“SEXUAL ASSAULT IN COLORADO”). This survey was conducted almost two decades ago and the numbers have only increased since then. There are many reason to why human trafficking is still alive and thriving, but the will to fight against this horrible crime is as well.
Unfortunately, human trafficking does exist everywhere in the world for large multitude of reasons. One reason why human trafficking of …show more content…

Cases involving abuse of this sort is not taken seriously. In fact, sometimes members of law enforcement take part in the abuse of victims. A victim named Kikka Cerpa, who was forced into prostitution by her then boyfriend, shared how sometimes police would raid the brothels she was at but instead of helping they would demand to have sexual acts performed on them (“We Were Trafficked”). Not only are the police ignoring this type of crime, but some are even engage in it.
Due to the fact that human trafficking of all sorts is a huge issue, they have been many attempts help prevent and even stop it all together. Some effective, some not. A common technique that is used to aid in the prevention of human trafficking is the spread of awareness. The primary goal of this method is to teach the public about dynamics, prevalence and consequences of human trafficking (Curtis). This can range from movies to

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