Persuasive Essay On Electronic Health Care

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Electronic health records were part of a campaign promised by Obama during his 2008 campaign. David Blumenthal was the one who advised Obama on the health care policy during his campaign. The goal was to make sure medical records are actually on computers, and save families 2,500 a year. When President Obama took office, the government signed a 787 billion economic stimulus package passed by congress in 2009. After election, Blumenthal worked for the Obama administration and was in charge of disbursing out 30 billion in subsidies for the electronic health records and electronic medical records system. He offered financial incentives to medical providers to encourage them to use electronic systems for sharing of health information. Physicians could earn up to 44,000 over five years for installing the systems. Hospitals could get between 2 million and 6.3 million. For providers who don’t operate the system after 2015 could face financial penalties. The difference between electronic health records and electronic medical records is; electronic health records can be seen by one or more organizations, where electronic medical records could only be seen by one. EHR/EMR are also systems that hospitals and physician offices uses instead of paper charts. An electronic health record is an official health record …show more content…

By using electronic health records, patients and doctors can both benefit from a computer system that manages patient records and information. Once information in patient records are available online, doctors can access and share important details about care, and patients can get up to date reports on their health status. Some of the disadvantages include financial issues, workflow changes, privacy and security concerns. The main advantage with the EHR system are expected to improve efficiency and quality of care, and reduce medical

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