Reducing Immunization Errors with Electronic Prescribing

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Advantages of the EHR
In a study by Jacalyn Rogers, Sonya Sebastian, William Cotton, Cheryl Pippin and Jenna Merandi they showed that the number of immunization errors were greatly reduced with the addition of age specific alerts into the electronic prescribing system, With the electronic prescribing system they were able to put age restrictions on different immunizations as well as restrictions on different medications to avoid errors in prescribing a medication to a patient that they either might be allergic to or that might interfere with their current medication. After their seven-month research period they found that with this education on how to properly use this system that prescribing errors decreased from 57% to 25%. They concluded …show more content…

This study demonstrates the importance of EHRs as this study is being conducted. Electronic health records displayed biases towards sick patients in order to demonstrate subject selection based on sufficient laboratory results and medication orders. The correlation between the adequacy of electronic health record data for clinical research and the underlying patient health status was shown. The data suggest that a negative binomial regression model displays the relationship between patient health status and the sufficiency of EHRs. Variations of the counts of laboratory results and medication orders were shown greater than the means. Effective data sufficiency allows researchers to minimize missing data when reusing electronic health records for research. This also introduces a bias towards the selection of sicker patients (Rusanov, Weiskopf, Wang & Weng …show more content…

The article talks about how when a breach occurs, whether it be from a paper or electronic record, how physicians are suppose to reveal to the patient when information has been compromised. The difference however, is when medical information is compromised within the EHR physicians have more of a responsibility to share with patients about the breach. Whereas with a breach of information within the paper records they do not have the same responsibility because since they are just on paper, the breach cannot be easily tracked. With the EHR having so much more patient data than the standard paper records, there is a lot more to protect, which is why they require so many authorized accesses and passwords (Sade,

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